Game Art
Animal and Creatures Anatomy
Cinematics and VFX
Tutorials and Courses
Personal projects
Facebook AI
The Warg - Creature mentoring
Galahad - The Making Of
Galahad - The Warrior of Mirkwood
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Hovercheetah
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Ranged Crawler
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Armored Prey - details
DemoReel - Gael Kerchenbaum - Character Artist - 2024
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Appa
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Hei Bai
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Badgermole
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Spirit Fox
Destiny 2 : Warmind - Abyssal Thrall
The Elder Scroll Online : Summerset - Creatures
Klauth - Dungeons and Dragons - Pop Culture Shock
The eye of the Xolo
Once Upon a Sphynx
Cervus Elaphus
Red - Panthera Pardus ecorche 3dtotal
Green - Quarter Horse ecorche 3dtotal
Blue - Canine ecorche 3dtotal
Equine ecorche - 3dscan store
Gorilla ecorche - 3dscan store
Release the beast
Axis Studios - The Famous Grouse
Ostrich - AG Insurance TVC
Acinonyx jubatus - The Cheetah
Elephas maximus - The Elephants
Chihuahua anatomy study
Columba Livia Domestica - The domestic Pigeon
Facebook AI - Goat and Sheep
Facebook AI - Cattle Family
Facebook AI - Chimpanzee
Facebook AI - Galgo
Facebook AI - Arabian Horse
Facebook AI - Intro
The Warg
Creature Workshops - Creature Textuing in Mari
Creature Workshops - Introduction to Mari
Tyrannosaurus Rex Breakdown - Axis Animation
ZBrush - Export Curvature Map for texturing
Custom Texturing XYZ displacement - Tutorial
Skin Material in Mari 4.6v2
Universal Topology for Quadrupeds
Release the beast - step by step tutorial
Demo reel 2019
CGMA - From Animal to Creature - Winter 2019 animal selection
CGMA - From Animal to Creature - Fall 2018 animal selection
CGMA - From Animal to Creature - Summer 2018 animal selection
CGMA - From Animal to Creature - Spring 2018 animal selection
Panthera Onca - anatomy study
Dancing with The Tiger - UMD
Mari 5.0 Splashscreen
The Eldest - a CG Master Academy's Dragon
One Of Us - Ziva Fox
Mari 4.5 marketing campaign
Lynx pardinus - CGMA Lecture
From Ashes - Clay Render
A Kong Story - The Twins - WIP
My Son - A Lion King Story
Antelope Sable Study
Tombstone of Genoa - sneak peek
The beauty and the stone
T.Rex sneak peek
Frightened horse v2
English Bulldog Study
Tiger anatomy study