I am very glad to show you this creature I made for Axis Animation a year ago. This Tyrannosaurus Rex was done for a pitch project that didn't make it to production. I was authorised to publish it along with some breakdown.
A great thanks to Ewan and people at Axis Animation for the trust they placed in me !
Tyrannosaurus Rex Breakdown video I made to show this creature.
Sculpting of the displacement was done using the amazing maps from https://texturing.xyz/ .
Displacement was done between Mari and ZBrush.
A huge thanks to Jeremy Celeste for his trust and help.
Primary stage of the development of Albedo. Generated with procedural and manual techniques. If you want to find out more from my Workflow, feel free to follow my former step by step tutorial : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0WLJY
Render made to develop the look dev in exterior environment. A great thanks to
Jørgen Herland for sending me his HDRi. You can buy them from here :
Render made to develop the look dev in exterior environment. A great thanks to
Jørgen Herland for sending me his HDRi. You can buy them from here :