Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Ranged Crawler

I am extremely proud to share with you my participation in Avatar: Frontier of Pandora.
I am thrilled to present you with the Ranged Crawler. I worked under the supervision of David Clement (Art Director) and Ding Chao (Lead Character Artist) from Ubisoft Shanghai. Chen Lin was our wonderful Production Manager. This creature is another variation of the Crawler. I was responsible for the 3d design of the anatomy.

The concept was provided by Ubisoft, and I used zBrush to illustrate some of the biomechanical behaviour of the animal.

A first pass of the details has been created with alpha, and replaced by a fully manual sculpting after the approval of the anatomy. I then delivered the model to the team for the remaining work on the topology and textures.

A huge thanks to the team at Ubisoft Shanghai for the great collaboration!