Universal Topology for Quadrupeds

Hi guys,

I'm happy to present you this personal RnD I did for my own workflow for Creatures.
This universal topology for Quadrupeds is something I'll present at Effects America 2019 in Montreal. It follows all the requirements for the body and facial rigging and animation for VFX and Animation.

Universal Topology for Quadrupeds - body

Universal Topology for Quadrupeds - Face

What's amazing about a universal topo workflow, is that you can do an English Bull Lion pretty easily...

What's amazing about a universal topo workflow, is that you can do an English Bull Lion pretty easily...

or a Lion Pardinus...

or a Lion Pardinus...

or a Lynx dog...

or a Lynx dog...

Thanks Vincent Ménier for the big idea!

Thanks Vincent Ménier for the big idea!